All yours …

The Boondocks is a celebration of all that is good about the great british festival. It’s your festival, it’s your tribe and it’s the greatest bands you’ve never heard of.

Boondocks Festival to Have a Fallow Year in 2019


Boondocks 2018 was, by all accounts, “the best yet”, so
following on from such a success it may seem strange
that the team have decided that there will be
no Boondocks Festival in 2019.


Why? Well the festival is widely recognised as one of the best
planned and managed small festivals in the calendar.
Now this is great, but in some ways it means it has become a
victim of its own success in that it has grown in size and
sophistication to such an extent that it has become a major
undertaking for a small team of totally unpaid volunteers
to plan, manage and execute the event to such a high standard;
especially at their own, very substantial, personal financial risk.


So the team is going to use the next year to take some time to
lay a stronger foundation for the festival going forward, by
clarifying its charitable status, improving it’s longer term
funding and ensuring it’s operational feasibility. 
All this means that a fallow year is essential, as if there was to be a
2019 festival, then planning would have to already up and
running (yes it does take that long!) to leaving no time to
focus on the longer term improvements needed to keep the
festival going from strength to strength in future years.


Now we know that with the demise of Fieldview Festival
this may leave a hole on your local festival calendar but
rest assure we will be back in 2020, and as part of the
longer term vision for performing arts in Malmesbury
(of which the festival is a key part) there may also be
some exciting developments that come along
before 2020… so watch this space!!


Big Love from The Boondocks Team!


In the meantime here’s some memories from 2018…..

Boondocks 2018 Highlights

Boonies – you were amazing this weekend. The atmosphere on site was electric from start to finish. You did that. And the voluntary Boondocks crew were incredible – so, so slick. A pure dream team. (And that includes Tea Smart who put this video together so well and so fast!)We've even heard talk of it being the best Boondocks ever! Either way, let's all feel proud to be a part of it. Here are your highlights. xxx

Posted by The Boondocks Festival, Malmesbury on Sunday, 22 July 2018


Boondocks 2016

WE DID IT!For the second year running Malmesbury has now hosted its very own music festival, supported by all the lovely people of our wonderful little town. It's hard to explain how proud we are that the community can come together to create such a fantastic weekend.The ever-talented Nikolaas Bartlett ( and Ben Thomas were working tirelessly over the weekend (and the 2 weeks since!) putting together this incredible video for us, so we can remember and share the memories of Boondocks 16 for years to come.Comment below with your favourite memory or moment of this year's Boondocks, and if you can spot yourself or your friends tag them and share too! The next Boondocks is still undecided at this stage, so let's make sure this year's festival will stay with us forever!Huge amounts of love,The Boondocks Team xxx

Posted by The Boondocks Festival, Malmesbury on Friday, 22 July 2016



Baby Boondocks 2017

See anyone you know? A thousands thanks to A Smart Production and Discover Malmesbury for featuring last weekend's spectacular in their latest of promo vids. We love this. And the Felix Hagan & The Family soundtrack. Show them off (and us!) and give it share, and don't forget to tag the Boonies you know. Happy days!

Posted by The Boondocks Festival, Malmesbury on Thursday, 13 July 2017

