All yours …

The Boondocks is a celebration of all that is good about the great british festival. It’s your festival, it’s your tribe and it’s the greatest bands you’ve never heard of.

Old year, new look

Old year, new look


Ooh get us and our smart new look! New season, new threads for us, and man, are we feeling ready to rock! Big thank you to David and Lesley Wood and their team at The Front Room Marketing and Design for putting this together for us.

Although Boondocks 2016 will be very like Boondocks 2015 (‘hooray’ we hear you cry!), there are a couple of major improvements and we wanted to celebrate the biggest of them all – the big top! So even if we don’t manage to replicate the glorious weather from July, we can still keep you all snug and dry.

You’ll see our new look on our facebook page, our new website when we build it, and on posters and flyers around town next spring.